port and protocol in job submission
laura elettra
2006-06-16 12:01:14 UTC

how can I know to which resource a job is being submitted in the
submitJob(JobSpec spec) method of a JobSubmissionService?
Can it be retrieve from the JobSpec somehow?

I need to know the protocol and port of the resource and this I believe
is only specified in the resource (Resources.xml).

Alexandre Venito
2006-06-17 01:16:12 UTC

I'm studing portlets and have installed GridSphere.

1. Could you give me a name of a book to learn more about portlets and GridSphere more specifically? I've got almost all found documentation by internet but sometimes I need more examples.

2. Trying to understand how to retreive and store credentials, I wrote a portlet using the CredentialMaagerService, I get the credential from a MyProxyServer (MyPoxy Globus API), create the CredentialContext (context = credService.createCredentialContext(userlog, proxy) but I have error when I try to activateCredentialContext using the context created in the line before!

48219 [http-8080-Processor25] (MyProxyPortlet.java:129) ERROR br.uff.ic.gridsphere.portlets.MyProxyPortlet - Error Credential exception: No credentialContext context found with dn /O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/OU=simpleCA-mxsec.ic.uff.br/CN=Alexandre Venito

What is missing? What's the sequence? I couldn't find an example!

Could you help me?

Thank you very much!

Alexandre Venito

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Michael Russell
2006-06-29 13:13:08 UTC
Hi Laura,

Ah whoops, that's right. In GP 1.x, there isn't a getPort and
getProtocol method on the job/jobSpec interfaces. The way it works
here, one can only infer it by calling getHost and getJobType on the
Job interface and comparing this with job resources supporting that
job type are registered.

For example, by calling:

List jobResources = jobSubmissionService.getJobResources(jobType);
// iter through the list to infer the resource based on its host

This isn't perfect of course because there might be more than one
resource supporting that job type on the host of interest, but it
might help for now.

Post by laura elettra
how can I know to which resource a job is being submitted in the
submitJob(JobSpec spec) method of a JobSubmissionService?
Can it be retrieve from the JobSpec somehow?
I need to know the protocol and port of the resource and this I
believe is only specified in the resource (Resources.xml).
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